Sunday, April 29, 2012

What's up!?

Getting the hang of changing background and design of the blog...  it definitely is quite the learning process.  I think the Blogger folks are trying to make things user friendly but things are a bit cumbersome. 

Operation "De-Stash" is underway.  I figured out how to create page tabs and have created one for bargain items from my stash and one for workshops and classes.  I will be adding more details to these pages as time allows. 

I realize I do not really have any followers yet...  must work on that as well.  ha!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Break

We are on Spring Break! I am enjoying my time off from work. Wish we were plopped down in some sand at some sunny beach very much south of here but alas, life says it is not at this time. Patience. Patience.

Instead of the surf and sand, my views are set on some organization, spring cleaning, and prep for several CTMH business adventures next month. I will try to snap some pix along the way.

Andrew is home today and will hopefully be able to handle all of my heavy lifting (or refereeing the children!).

Saturday, March 17, 2012


Welcome to my new Blog! I am excited to share my world with you!